How Pink Heals Works

The National Tour:  Men and women commit up to 21 days away from their families to volunteer to drive the Pink Heals Initiative across America in our pink vehicles. The Pink Heals Tour can last as long as ten months, visiting hundreds of communities, and driving thousands of miles.  They bring our program to cities and towns across the country to partner with Public Safety and inspire citizens, businesses and community leaders to start putting people first through home visits and local fund raising.  This selfless effort by the individuals who drive these vehicles along with the thousands of people who have joined us for home visits,  and signed the trucks and cars, are the inspiration for your city to start this program! This is not just about members of  Public Safety, this is about doing what is right for the very people that, as fire fighters and public servants, we are supposed to serve. Pink Heals supports local fund raising events and provides home visits upon request to support those in need.  

Pink Heals is based on LOVE and three fundamental principles:

1.   Bring a community together on behalf of people, not for a specific cause. Pink Heals uses the color bubble gum pink to represent love and families, not a specific disease. This is NOT about breast cancer, but about ALL illnesses and struggles that people endure, and that a community can support.

2.  Give elected leaders and local businesses the ability to align with an initiative that benefits the whole community, without aligning with a single cause or one specific disease. This initiative ensures any funds raised in a community stay local.

3.  Pink Heals strives to acknowledge the human element of having an illness or other type of adversity. Pink Heals makes home visits to provide moral support, hope, love and validation to individuals and their families.

 "Inherent leaders and businesses are embracing this initiative. The program doesn’t align a leader or a business with one specific entity- it's more personal than that.  This program aligns them with the women in their community, their fire fighters, their police department, their tax based groups and their constituents.  Businesses support their patrons and their patrons choose that business for their goods and services.  It’s simple."      Dave Graybill