

Thank you very much for bringing the pink fire truck to Clarkson for our parade. Two of my daughters were there and they signed the truck. My wife and daughters had pictures made with the fire fighters and truck. I understand how pink heals now. Once again, thank you.

Thank You,



Just like your book “Pink Heals” you don’t know me, I am not famous….but….. I was blessed by god to be the “Aunt” of Kara Cagle, who I cherish with my entire being. I want to personally thank you for your unselfish act of love and kindness that you brought to Kara last week.

I had the honor of sharing with Kara last Friday a part of her journey at the hospital in Los Angeles….. that she has so bravely attacked and will win her fight with this unforgiving disease called Cancer.

I had tears in my eyes watching the photos of you and the other fire fighters who came with lights and sirens blasting to Kara’s home to show your love an support and have her sign the “Pink Fire” truck. THANK you for giving your time, your money and unconditional love to these women all over the country.

What a blessing, what a gift you are! You are the “Rock” that will give these women the fight to live. God Bless You.


Aunt Vic


I wanted to take a minute and say thank you. You have started an amazing organization and after meeting you here in Oregon, I can see your passion for making a change. I am glad Doc was able to arrange for your stop, and that I had the opportunity to meet all of you.

October 4th will be the first day for my chemo and radiation, and I’m so ready to have it all over so I can get back to helping others find cures for cancer as well.

I wish you much success with your organization. I love following your Facebook page and seeing all of the lives you have all touched. Thank you very much for the shirt, I wear it proudly.


It was great meeting you all in Happy Valley/Clackamas area when you stopped at the Four Seasons Market parking lot! It was pure fluke that we even saw you as we were on our way from my dentist appt! I was actually asleep & still pretty drowsy from the meds the dentist gave me when Todd told me to wake up because there were pink fire trucks! For a minute I had to think wait who got the meds at the dentist office! lol Then I realized you guys really were there & this wasn’t just a figment of his imagination! lol

I was a firefighter & medic for 5 years & it was my life long dream to serve in the fire service but I have since been diagnosed with a rare neuro muscular disease called Myasthenia Gravis & am no longer able to do serve. Not being a medic/firefighter has been one of the hardest things I’ve had to adapt to but I still have my love for the profession & am now trying to find other ways that I may be able to still serve whether it be through fundraising or assisting the auxiliary as support service!   The fire service & Breast Cancer Awareness have always been my passion but even more so since both my boyfriends Mom & mine have battled breast cancer! His Mom is now 21 years cancer free & my Mom is going on 2 years in November! I never imagined that breast cancer would strike our own families & seeing both of our Moms go through it has really opened my eyes to the awareness cause! I have loved the Pink Heals Tour but NEVER imagined that I would actually ever get to meet you guys or ever get the honor of signing our Mom’s names on your trucks & I just want to pass on what an emotional thank you both of our Mom’s expressed when they learned about their names now traveling along on your “Leslie” truck! I know you probably get a million emails & messages & I feel bad for even contacting you on your fb page as it’s probably your personal page but I just wanted to take a minute & tell all of you thank you from the bottom of my heart & our Mom’s hearts for everything you guys are doing! Meeting you guys Saturday was such an honor & emotional event for myself & I truly feel like was God’s doing & blessing! Personally it was one of my all time most memorable events that I will always hold close to my heart & I am now able to cross this task off my bucket list although I would love to someday meet you all again as well as research your organization even more to see if there is possibly something I can do to help volunteer with your organization & I am more then happy to keep spreading the word of your tour & organization!!   We purchased over a $150 worth of t-shirts & jackets from you personally & I have proudly been wearing mine & our Mom’s just loved the ones we purchased for them! Thank you for assisting us in picking them out! You were so incredibly nice & patient lol with us as I probably would have bought one of each if I could have!   Well have a wonderful rest of your trip & we will continue to follow your tour on fb & keep you in our prayers for very safe travels & I pray God thoroughly blesses all of you for your hard work & dedication to this tour!! 



I read about the trucks going to be in Butte, Montana and wished I could have made it up to see them.  I live about 70 miles south in Dillon and had an appointment scheduled at my oncologists office the next day and didn’t think I could make two trips in two days.  Today, Friday, when I left the oncologists and headed home I need to stop and fuel up,  what did I see…Your pink trucks!  As a two time survivor I had to stop and thank your drivers for two reasons, my survivorship and for being firemen.

Thank you so very much for starting this program and allowing us the opportunity to thank the fireman for their dedication.

Hope heals, please keep sharing the hope.


Hi Dave and crew, 

Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with the ladies from American Family. We appreciate not only the visit but what you are doing. I’ve already gotten several offers to help me with arranging a tour stop with you for next year. 

Thank you for letting me tag along when you guys visited Heather at her home. It was really touching to see what your visit did for her. You all ROCK! We visited for awhile after you left and she and Virginia are on board in working with us for fundraising and in gaining support for women’s causes here in Madison. You guys got us fired up!

We have a lot of pictures and will send you some as soon as we sort through them.
Thanks again and we look forward to working with you for next year’s tour stop.
Best wishes and God’s blessings to all of you,


Dearest Volunteers,

I had the best time celebrating at the events at the Aurora Fire Museum, Aug. 25 and also the great support I received in Rockford at St Antony’s Cancer Center, Aug. 26. I showed up later on Sunday because of prior commitments but the guys – Joel, Grant, Bobby (not there on Sunday) and most of all from the newest member of the team LEONARD from Michigan.

Needed to exchange my shirt I bought on Saturday but also forgot to remember (In Memory of) on the trucks my mom Veronica, grandma Clara and most of all cousin Karen who left us so very young. (PUT THEIR NAMES on KAREN).  Leonard was so compassionate, caring and Grant helped me off the truck after I totally got lost in the emotion.

Pam, 5 time cancer survivor and also survivor of the Our Lady of the Angels 1958 tragic school fire where a fireman came up the 2nd floor stairs as little Pamela, 6th grader was about to pass out.  ALL FIREMAN ARE MY HERO’S,  cause their only concern is saving lives and putting their own on the line when they do NOT even know the person involved.

Bless you all, my prayers are with all fireman and paramedics daily.




It has been just over a year since I met you in June of 2011. It was a day I will never forget and will always cherish. All of you on the tour made a special visit to my husband, who couldn’t come to you, so you brought the entire group to him. It had only been a few days since he was told he was terminal, and just a few weeks before he would pass on (July 21). The love and caring you freely gave to someone you didn’t know, brought such joy to him, he glowed with it, and was awed to be a recipient of it. You gave him a gift like no other, the warmth, the love, words fail me to say how much it meant to him, and to me.. You gave me the beautiful memory of his beaming smile, the sheer pleasure of meeting people such as yourself with so much love. The pictures and video I cherish and have helped me through some rough times. I think of you all often, and follow your efforts knowing the love and joy first hand you give to those you meet. I wish I had the words that would tell you truly how much it meant. Please know this comes from my heart. God Bless and Keep You All.

Liz A.


My name is Erma. I am a Nurse and Health Educator for the Geary County Health Department. I have been throughout our community trying to educate everyone on the fact that breast cancer affects all of us.
For the past two years, we have been awarded a Susan G. Komen grant in order to help educate our community. Being awarded the grant was awesome however, the fact is that our county’s statistics of breast cancer alerted the attention of people who could and wanted to help us to educate our community that Early Detection is the Best Detection.

During the month of September 2011, I attended the Race For the Cure in Wichita, Kansas. I had never seen the “Pink Fire Truck”. More than that, I had never seen “The Guardians of the Ribbon”. Tears rolled down my face as I read all of the names that had been signed on the Pink Fire Truck. As I stood there with my mouth open, a man in a pink Fire Fighter suit approached me and asked if I wanted to sign the truck. My hand trembled as I reached for the marker. While climbing on the right side of the truck, I could see my friend Brandi (37 years old) who died in May 2011 after a two year fight of breast cancer.
My fight continues! 


Dear Mr. Dave,

It was a pleasure meeting you and your crew. Thank you for the love, compassion and care you have shown us. What you do really helps with healing process whether you are a survivor or one who has lost someone to cancer. It is encouraging and makes you want to go the extra mile for someone else. 

The pink fire trucks are a special touch since my husband is a retired firefighter and my son is presently in the fire department. May God bless and continue to guide you in all your endeavors!!!Pleased let me know when you are back in Albuquerque. I will wear my t shirt with pride and will continually remind others how important early detection really is I am living proof!!Thank you again!!!


Monica M. Moya


Just a note to tell you ‘Thank You’ for the opportunity to meet you, see the tour work its magic, and your visit with your crew as they came through Ponca City last year. 

My friend John Rhyne has talked fondly of his experiences he has had with your tour crew members and with meeting so many folks out there in the real world that need your message of Hope. 

You may never know the seeds you and your cause have planted in the stops you have made across the country, but I have seen examples of your work here locally in people helping local people in need. 

I read and passed along your book I bought while you were here in town, and I admire the boldness and tenacity with which you make important things happen . You have shown amazing strength, conviction, and a lot of nerve to overcome the hurdles others try to plant in your way. I wish you and your tour safe travels, good weather , and receptive audiences along your path. 

Take care, 
